Revolt at the women’s prisons in Eleonas (Thiva, Greece) after the death of a prisoner – Announcement of the female prisoners


από solidarity translations

17/04/2020 3:35 μμ.

Revolt at the women’s prisons in Eleonas (Thiva, Greece) after the death of a prisoner – Announcement of the female prisoners

The revolt at the Women’s prison in Eleonas Thivas is still going on. The revolt broke out this morning after the death of a 38 year old prisoner, who had fever and shortness of breath and who passed away inside the E wing in front of 20 of her prison mates, who believe that the prisoner died from the corona virus. The prisoners set fire to the mattresses and clothes and they damaged the fridges of the prison. At this moment, the prosecutor has arrived at the prison, as well as a forensics doctor in order to make an autopsy. Numerous police forces arrived at the prison -Riot cops ( MAT)- in order to deter the spreading of the revolt to all the wings. They proceeded to brutally beat up the prisoners, however, despite the repression, the revolt spread to all the prison.

Announcement of the women prisoners


“Today, 9th of April, the prisoner Azizel Deniroglu died in her cell, helpless, while facing cardiac problems as well as high fever, and while she was crying for medical help all night, had pain in her chest and could not breath. According to witness accounts, the guards did not even take her temperature and we cannot know the real causes of her death. The responsible guard for the night shift threatened to report her, because she was causing a nuisance. The dead body of our prison mate was dragged outside on a sheet, in front of the shocked eyes of the entire wing. This tragic event took place in Wing E, where around 120 people are stacked together. The prisoners revolted and the revolt spread to the entire prison. About one month ago another prisoner died. The criminal disregard for the health of the prisoners essentially means that for many prisoners their sentence is turned into a death sentence. The responsibility for the death of the prisoner resides with the government and the Ministry. We demand that ill prisoners are immediately released, that mothers of infants with their babies, elderly women and all those who are deemed as vulnerable groups are immediately released, that is 1/3 of the prison population. We will not return to our cells, until the end!”

The political prisoner and member of Revolutionary Struggle Pola Roupa had warned about this one month ago when another woman died at the particular prison. She stressed that “Despite the promises about the de-population of the prisons, due to the corona virus pandemic, nothing has been done yet. The hospitals are not receiving patients from prisons, there is no doctor in Thiva. Vulnerable groups should have already been release. We are prisoners, not on death row!”.

Solidarity Assembly with the members of Revolutionary Struggle




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